Clean city awards scheme

“Kinney Green Property Management has gone one better
in this year’s Clean City Award Scheme whilst retaining
one Gold Award and obtaining a Gold Award with Special

The CCAS award scheme strives to promote awareness of
responsible waste management with businesses located
within the City of London.
Here’s what our building manager’s have to say:

Jerry Paddon – Fleet Place
“We retained this award by continuing to manage our waste in
a professional manner with none of our waste going to land-fill.
2018 will be an exciting year as we extend our green credentials
by implementing, with one of our largest occupiers, food waste
and coffee ground waste collections. Through tenant liaison our
occupiers are switching to reusable cups for all staff, therefore
reducing waste further.”

Del Shadid – Monument Street
“We have engaged with our tenants by inviting our waste
management partners to attend meetings taking the initiative
of the CCAS by promoting the importance of recycling. This year
we will be undertaking an audit into food waste, and how we can
ensure it is disposed of sustainably.”

Alongside waste management, following the introduction of
MEES, we are also looking at alternative ways to make properties
more energy efficient and therefore reducing their carbon
footprint. We continue to liaise with our occupiers regarding
areas where energy consumption can be reduced.

For further information please contact
Stephen Griffiths

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